Speech-to-text Transcription Service

A speech-to-text transcription service like Transgate provides a comprehensive solution for converting spoken language into written text. Also, Transgate ensures high accuracy and quick turnaround, ideal for legal, medical, and business applications.

No credit card required

1 hour in 5 minutes
up to $0.3 / hour
Pay as you go
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Transcribe Audio NOW

Elite Transcription Accuracy

Our service is designed to handle various audio formats and ensures high accuracy, making it suitable for legal, medical, educational, and business applications, by applying advanced technology to convert spoken language into precise written text for professional use.

Time-Saving Transcription Solutions

With features like pay-as-you-go plans and data control, Transgate is a reliable choice for all your transcription needs. Additionally, Transgate saves time for professionals by providing quick and efficient transcription services, allowing for faster turnaround and increased productivity.

Transgate also offers specialized transcription services for different industries, ensuring that specific terminology and context are accurately captured. The platform’s advanced noise reduction features help to improve transcription accuracy by filtering out background noise.

Boost your productivity. Start using Transgate today.

Turn your spoken words into text with 98% accuracy using Transgate. Our pay-as-you-go plans help you save on costs and time spent on manual transcription. Start using Transgate today to boost your productivity and focus on what truly matters.


Try it free today and see how much time you can save!



Sign up for a free account. Upload your audio/video files straight onto our web based transcription platform. You can continue working while our AI is doing the magic



We use industry leading artificial intelligence to transcribe your file. We can transcribe an hour long file in less than 10 minutes.



Make adjustments to the transcription where needed. Review and edit your transcripts. Export and share your content in a range of formats.

Why Transgate!

Delete your data anytime while experiencing high accuracy, up to 98%, giving you the flexibility to pay only for what you need.

Data Privacy

Fully control your data and delete whenever you need.


Get 98% accuracy with AI transcription.

Pay as you go

Transcribe on your needs with our flexible -Pay as You Go- plan.

Frequently asked questions.

What makes your web app better than the competition?

We offer a flexible pay-as-you-go plan, so you only pay for what you use. Plus, we prioritize user privacy. You have the power to delete your data anytime, ensuring complete control over your speech recordings.

How secure is my data?

We understand the importance of data privacy. That's why you have complete control over your recordings. You can delete them at anytime, and we implement strong security measures to keep your data safe on our secure servers.

Is your speech-to-text accurate?

Absolutely! We use advanced speech recognition technology to deliver high accuracy rates. Our advanced technology achieves accuracy rates as high as 98%, ensuring your transcripts are reliable and error-free.

How do I get started? and is there free trial with card?

Click on Get Started or Sign Up then Create a free account with your email address. then You'll be directed to our web app interface, ready to use!

Does your app recognize different accents?

Yes, our app is trained on a diverse dataset to handle a wide range of accents. However, if you have a specific concern, feel free to contact us for a trial to test it out.

How much does your pay-as-you-go plan cost?

We offer competitive rates for our pay-as-you-go plan 1$ per hour. For specific pricing details, check here.

Free trial account with 20 minutes free transcription. No credit card required.


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